“What ifs” vs What is

Check out this post if you’re feeling a little negative or worried!

Lifestyle Blog: living with fear & anxiety

what ifs

Some of us are very imaginative. We tend to create scenarios that have not yet happened and we play the entire thing out in our head. We think about all the possible negative outcomes and we spiral into a ball of worry. This ball of worry entangles us and leaves us with anxiety for the future that trickles to our present state, thus ruining our day, our week, our month, or even our year (couldn’t not make this Friends reference!).

But you don’t know what will happen in the future. Try not to think about all the possible ‘what if’ scenarios. Take things as they come, then tackle them. Worrying won’t help you create a game plan for a possible future scenario because worrying is not productive it is destructive. Worrying has never helped me solve a mishap in my life. It has only left me nervously on edge.


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